YTN, The Federeation of Professional and Managerial Staff, has rejected the settlement proposal
National Conciliator Anu Sajavaara submitted proposal for settlement to the labor disputes concerning senior salaried employees of the technology industry on February 7th 2023. The board of The Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff YTN has rejected the settlement proposal today on February 8th 2023.
YTN has announced that another work stoppage will start in several member companies on February 15th till February 17th 2023. The previously announced overtime ban is still in place.
The primary objective was that the wage settlement is agreed locally. If local wage settlement was not reached the fallback clause would have been as follows:
- 2023: one-time payment of 1,0 % cost impact. In addition, according to the fallback clause, wages would have been adjusted by 3,5 % according to employer’s wage policies. The employer would have been obligated to guarantee that every individual’s wages would have been raised by a minimum of 2,5 %.
- 2024: According to the fallback clause, wages would have been adjusted by 2,5 % according to employer’s wage policies. Employer would have been obligated to guarantee that every individual’s wages would have been raised by minimum of 1,3 %.