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Collective agreements

Technology Industries Employers of Finland has negotiated and signed new collective agreements for the technology industry (electronics and electrotechnical industry, mechanical engineering industry, metals industry), information technology and consulting engineering.

Last modified 30.07.2024 at 14:05

According to the Collective Agreement Act, the terms and conditions included in the collective agreement are binding on our member companies. Due to the large coverage of the agreements and the generally binding rule in the Employment Contracts Act, new collective agreements also bind non-affiliated employers in the technology industry. The agreement for information technology is the only non-generally binding agreement, and it’s only binding for the member companies of Technology Industry Employers of Finland. 

Our collective agreements include deviations from Finnish employment legislation and include several options to deviate from the rules on collective agreement through agreements that are specific to the company or the workplace.

Because of the labour peace obligation, industrial action against the terms and conditions laid down in collective agreements is forbidden during the collective agreement period.

Collective agreements in Finnish and additional materials related to the agreements can be found on the Technology Industries of Finland’s members’ website.

2023 – 2024