
New collective agreement between Industrial Union and Technology Industry Employers Association– Industrial Union’s strike threat subsided

The strike and ban on overtime to technology industry worker are lifted as the Industrial Union and Technology Industry Employers Association approved the negotiation results on the new collective agreement for technology industry and ore mining.

The contracts are binding for two years but the salaries for the second years will be discussed next Autumn.

The primary premise for the salary settlement is to take into consideration the situation of the companies. The local salary settlement is the preferred option in both contracts’ years.

If no local salary settlement is found, the salary will be revised in accordance with the general increase. There are two options in the general increase, from which the employer and shop steward will negotiate the correct one. If no local salary settlement is reached, salaries of each employee shall be adjusted by a general increase of 1,5 % no later than on 1 March 2022 or at the start of the pay period beginning soonest thereafter. In addition, a company- or workplace-specific element, amounting to 0.5% of the total salaries of the employees, including benefits in kind.

The parties agreed on the so-called text issues before the strike threat. From the employer’s point of view, the key was to increase the possibility to locally agree more when there is no shop steward elected.

Under the agreement for the employees in the Technology industry, the companies have about 54,700 employees and through generally applicable collective agreement a total of 90,000 employees. The ore mining agreement covers a total of under 2,000 employees.

The Trade Union Pro has also left a strike warning to the technology industry and consulting services. Conciliation is still ongoing.

CEO Jarkko Ruohoniemi, puh. 040 833 9577